
Ekene Umenwa Church Wedding and Reception (Nov. 6, 2023)

Ekene Umenwa church wedding and reception
Ekene Umenwa church wedding and reception

Are you looking for Ekene Umenwa church wedding and reception videos and pictures? You will see all of them in this article.

Nollywood actress, Ekene Umenwa had her church wedding with her husband, Ifeanyi Alex Kleanson on Nov. 6, 2023.

On the morning of her church wedding, Ekene Umenwa and her husband took some pictures at the hotel where they lodged before heading to the church.

Her wedding dress was so fantastic. She also took some pictures with the bridesmaids and it was gorgeous. Ekene Umenwa’s friends sang motivating songs with her and also called her so many beautiful and uplifting names to ginger her spirit before she went to the altar.

Ekene Umenwa Church Wedding

The wedding that took place at St. Paul the Evangelist Catholic Church in Benin City, started with the husband entering into the church. Then the groom’s friends and the bride’s friends entered the church. You could see the best man, actor Maleek Milton.

After they had all settled down, shortly after, Ekene Umuenwa walked down the aisle in the company of her father, Mr Dozie Umenwa. It was a happy moment for Ekene and many who came to the church wedding were videoing her. Her wedding dress was so beautiful and long.

After walking down the aisle, she settled down and the church service began. After the holy mass was done, they made their wedding Vals, and shortly after, they exchanged rings that signify they asked now husband and wife.

The priest prayed for them and declared them husband and wife before the congregation.

After the priest’s declaration, Ekene greeted most of her family and friends who made it to the church wedding. That was when we saw Chinenye Nnebe the chief bride’s maid in Ekene Umenwa’s wedding, helping her to arrange her wedding gown.

After the mass was over, Ekene danced from the church to outside of the church with her family and friends. They danced for a long time before they all came out of the church.

After the dancing, Ekene and her husband went to the Catechist quarter to sign her wedding certificates according to Catholic Church traditions.

Her parents and her husband’s parents were also there and they all signed as witnesses to the just-concluded wedding. The Priest who hosted the church service also signed as a witness to the wedding.

After everyone who needed to sign had dropped their signatures, they snapped pictures with the marriage certificate together with the reverend father and the couple’s parents. The pictures serve as a piece of evidence to back the document up that the wedding actually happened, whenever there is a need to prove that the wedding took place.

After the evidence pictures were snapped, other family members and friends came and also snapped with the couple. Being a celebrity wedding, the pictures they snapped in the church weren’t enough as they went outside to snap the main pictures for Instagram reels and it was gorgeous.

Watch the video below to see other pictures and videos from Ekene Umenwa and Alex Kleanson’s church wedding.

Ekene Umenwa wedding reception

After the church wedding, Ekene Umenwa and Ifeanyi Alex Kleanson had their glamorous wedding reception after the party.

The reception started with Ekene and her husband still wearing their church wedding suits. The event was anchored by two MCs, Chief Imo and my very good friend, Deacon Famous, who is the best friend of Ekene Umenwa.

The event started with the MC asking the husband to hold Ekene by her waist

Ekene and her husband demonstrated romance, as they passionately kissed each other in the presence of their guest. After that comes the very emotional moment when Ekene Umenwa was surprised by the MC, who brought on stage gospel singer, Moses Bliss.

The way she reacted to this surprise has brought a lot of negative reactions from people on social media who felt it was disrespectful to her husband for her to leave him on stage to kneel down for the gospel singer as if she had met her crush she never believed she will meet one day.

Even when her husband was trying to hold her back when she wanted to go, she managed to leave him to kneel down to the singer.

People also question the Christianity behind the kneeling down to the gospel singer’s feet as if he is God almighty. They suggested that hugging him could have expressed her joyful emotions in a more understandable way than kneeling down.

They said that the husband’s body language showed that he wasn’t comfortable with it and was showing her signs to make her stand up.

When she finally stood up, instead of her to go back to her husband, she hugged Moses Bliss tightly, over and over again, which made her husband so uncomfortable. What was remaining was for her to kiss the gospel singer. Even when her husband was holding her back to calm down, it wasn’t enough to quench her emotions.

This was so uncountable to her husband, that he even tried to shake the singer in appreciation so that he would start going out of the stage immediately, but the singer didn’t shake him, instead he hugged him alongside the MC. Even when the husband was shaking his head in conclusion, the singer continued singing.

He quickly carried his wife from the floor and guided her from kneeling down again. However, she didn’t stop as she knelt down again. But based on the understanding boyfriend the husband, her husband whom the critics are fighting for also knelt down before Moses Bliss for prayers. After the singer was done, the couple then prepared to cut their first Cake.

The MC confused her by calling different names before then calling the name of Jesus for them to finally cut their first Cake. After cutting the cake, the couple hugged each other and then kissed.  As the cake is been shared among the guests Ekene and her husband sneak out of the reception hall to go and change to a new outfit.

The whole reception hall was set up with artificial smoke as the couple came back to the stage and the the smoke cleared. As the smoke cleared, the two were seen holding each other and dancing. After that show, they prepared the stage for the second cake.

This is actually the most cinematic moment because the second cake came from the roof of the hall to the table like manners falling from heaven. As the cake finally landed on the table, the guests who were amazed by the show of art started spraying them with money. Immediately, they cut the cake, and the party began.

Destiny Etiko spread a lot of bundles of money on Ekene Umenwa, to the point she became tired of spreading them one by one. She even went outside the hall to spread to people outside.

Flash Boy also sprays a lot of money on Ekene and her husband including Deacon Famous who claims to have spent 2 million Naira just for the money he spread to the couple. He really shut down the wedding reception with his bundles.

Watch the video below to see other pictures and videos from Ekene Umenwa and Alex Kleanson’s wedding reception.


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