
Mercy Johnson’s Biological Mother Narrates How She Left her

Mercy Johnson's biological mother
Mercy Johnson’s biological mother

Mercy Johnson’s biological mother has finally come out in public to beg Mercy Johnson for forgiveness. For the past six years, she has been begging Mercy Johnson to forgive her for abandoning her when she was small.

Even some of Mercy Johnson’s colleagues know the story that Elizabeth Johnson who died is not Mercy Johnson’s biological mother, but her adopted mother.

Mercy Johnson’s biological mother said she had approached Mercy Johnson a long time ago. But after Mercy Johnson refused to accept her, she went to the chief of Kogi state asking them to help her beg Mercy Johnson before traveling back to Cameroon.

When Mercy Johnson heard from the Kogi state chief, she agreed to a DNA test and then told her that she should come immediately for a DNA test to confirm that she was truly her mother. The woman immediately left what she was doing in Cameroon to Nigeria for the DNA test.

When Mercy Johnson’s biological mother got to the hospital that Mercy Johnson recommended, she waited for Mercy Johnson but she didn’t show up. Instead, her husband came to the hospital with two people to question her.

Mercy Johnson’s husband said he knows the person who collected Mercy Johnson’s bride price but he doesn’t know her, so how come she is Mercy Johnson’s biological mother? The woman said yes, you won’t know me because we have not been well introduced but the blood test will prove that I’m your wife’s biological mother.

The husband then told Mercy Johnson’s biological mother to pay for her own blood test while he would pay for Mercy Johnson’s own. The woman was so embarrassed because she was not told initially that she would be making her own payment, so she was not financially prepared for the payment. Since she couldn’t afford the DNA test payment, it didn’t go through.

Mercy Johnson’s biological mother said actor Francis Duru was actually the person who helped her to connect with Mercy Johnson. When Francis contacted Mercy Johnson, Mercy told Francis that she was aware that her biological mother was around and that they were planning for a DNA test.

But since then Mercy Johnson has not forgiven or accepted her as her mother and she has been patiently begging and waiting for the day Mercy Johnson will forgive her.

When she was asked what made her abandon Mercy Johnson when she was young, the woman narrated what happened.

The Cameroonian woman said she used to live in Nigeria before and then got married to a Nigerian man from Kogi State. One day her father in Cameroon became sick and was about to die. He sent a message that she should come and see him with his grandchildren so could see them for the last time before he died.

During that time, Mercy Johnson’s biological mother already had three children with her husband; Martin the first child who was 6 years old, Mercy the second child who was four years old and the last born who was one year and six months. Plus, she was currently three months pregnant then.

So when Mercy Johnson’s biological mother got the message from her father, she told her husband but her husband said he didn’t have enough money to transport all of them from Nigeria to Cameroon, so he advised her to go with their youngest child who was a year and six months then, leaving Mercy Johnson and her brother behind in the care of her husband.

Her husband also told her that if her father died while she was in Cameroon, he would come for the burial with the children and all of them would come back to Nigeria at the same time, but if her father didn’t die, he would send her transport money to return back to Nigeria. She agreed and left with her youngest child.

When Mercy Johnson’s biological mother traveled to Cameroon, her husband usually kept the children in the care of their neighbor known as Pauline whenever he went to work. One day, he had a business trip, so he left the children to sleep at Pauline’s house until he returned. But unfortunately, he had an accident and died instantly.

Nobody contacted his wife in Cameroon to inform her that her husband in Nigeria was dead. Mercy Johnson’s biological mother stayed months in Cameroon and eventually, her father died. She wrote to her husband severally but he didn’t reply, so she stayed for her father’s burial.

Immediately after her father’s burial, Mercy Johnson’s biological mother wanted to go back to Nigeria, because she was so worried, but she was advised to stay in Cameroon and give birth since the road was stressful for her condition, plus there was no money for transport. So she stayed in Cameroon and gave birth to her fourth child.

As a troubled woman who never heard from her husband, she left her newborn baby in the care of her mother in Cameroon and then traveled to Nigeria to know what happened to her husband and children. When Mercy Johnson’s biological mother got to Nigeria, she was told that her husband died in an accident and had been buried.

As a young single mother, Mercy Johnson’s biological mother left the children in the care of Pauline to start hustling for money to take care of them. This would make her to be shuttling between Cameroon and Nigeria all through her life and was not truly in the life of Mercy Johnson until she became older. She eventually settled in Cameroon leaving Mercy Johnson in Nigeria and in the care of her adopted mother.

However, Mercy Johnson did not take her as her mother and was angry that she abandoned them. After Mercy became popular and got married, The woman then went to the chief of Kogi state, to help her beg Mercy Johnson to forgive her because at this time she was not able to reach Mercy Johnson because of her celebrity status.

When the Kogi Chief spoke with Mercy, Mercy then called her to come to Nigeria for a DNA test to prove she was her biological mother. Mercy Johnson’s biological mother rushed to Nigeria and Mercy Johnson didn’t show up. But sent her husband to the hospital who told her that she would pay for her own blood test and Mercy would pay hers.

Because she doesn’t have money, The DNA test didn’t go through.

Mercy Johnson’s biological mother also spoke to actor Francis Duru to help her connect with Mercy Johnson. When Francis contacted Mercy Johnson, Mercy told Francis that she was aware that her biological mother was around. Francis then asked her why she allowed her mother to be suffering, Mercy said she wanted to do a DNA test to confirm if she was really her mother and that he should not worry.

Since then she has been patiently begging for Mercy Johnson to forgive her.

According to Mercy Johnson’s biological mother, she gave birth to Mercy in 1982 in a catholic hospital in Benue state, her real name is Mandolin Geh but they changed her name. She said she knows people are saying she abandoned Mercy and now she is rich she is returned because of her money. But the woman insisted that she was not after her money.

Watch the video below as Mercy Johnson’s biological mother narrates the story:


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